Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a very common sleep related breathing disorder that is known to have so many serious health related concerns. The most common treatment option is the use of positive air pressure devices like a CPAP; unfortunately this effective treatment option has compliance issues, on average 50 % will discontinue the wear of the CPAP after 1 year*. The emergence of alternative OSA treatments, like dental oral appliances, has slowly improved the treatment compliance. At this time quite often we have to look at combining treatment options to have the best treatment outcome with the best treatment adherence. We should not underestimate the effect of body (sleep) position on OSA; avoiding sleeping on the back (supine) will improve the outcome of any OSA treatment modality. There are many gadgets available from home made to electronic devices; but the one that is the easiest to use will most likely be used on a daily base. I have found that COPAP Pillows are by far the most comfortable; they are ready to use and there is no need to attach anything to you, it is lying ready on the bed.
Dr. Jamil Alkhoury, DDS
Comfortable and effective, everyone I talk to in the medical and dental sleep worlds who has experienced it - patients and providers alike - falls in love with this positional therapy pillow.
When a patient has long-standing obstructive sleep apnea, respiratory or neurological issues, they tend to develop a forward-head posture. And as a consequence, tolerating some of the other ‘snoring’ pillows on the market can be pretty challenging and downright frustrating, whereas this pillow was specifically designed to provide a supportive neck and back alignment.
Replacing the several pillows one would formerly have had to use to correctly position patients in a therapeutic 'recovery' position, this is a product whose time has come. And I enthusiastically encourage healthcare providers across North America to seriously consider incorporating the CoPap Pillow into your treatment plans. Your patients will thank you!
Julia Worrall RN, CCRN Founder,“NoPap Pillow is an excellent adjunctive to Dental Sleep Medicine. I recommend it to all my patients that I make Dental Oral Appliances for. The patients are referred to me by their physician, I conduct an evaluation and if they are a candidate for a Dental Oral Appliance, I then submit a pre-treatment authorization to their insurance. In the meantime, I advise them to go online and buy the NoPap Pillow as a transitional therapy until their Oral Appliance comes in.
I recommend the use of the NoPap Pillow to keep patients off their back while sleeping. Even if they use a CPAP, I believe that the NoPap Pillow will help by decreasing the pressures required because it positions them so as to keep their tongue from falling back against their soft palate. This usually only happens when a patient is lying on their back.
I will not say that it is the ‘cure’ or that it will improve you to the point of no longer requiring a CPAP or dental Oral Appliance, but when used in conjunction with these therapies it is extremely effective!”